Saturday, July 08, 2006

Cats and Dogs

Lottie has gone away to my sister's house in the country, so Fred, mum's dog, has come to stay with me for four days. Missy is outraged! The look on her face as Fred came trotting through the door last Wednesday night was priceless.

"WHAT THE HELL!!! is going on."

Her fur stood on end, her tail lay flat on the ground and her ears slammed down on her head, as she took her retreat.

Fred has a cat, Spook, who shares his bed at night, and he is perfectly cat-friendly, but Missy isn't hanging around for a minute to give him a chance. He doesn't understand why she is soooooo snarly towards him.

She has now taken up residence on the stairs, with a hugely miffed look on her face, from where she stares down at him with absolute disdain. 

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