Thursday, July 20, 2006

Thursday with a Joint

My first thought this morning about my boss was that she could shit herself, as far as I'm concerned, so I'm home again today.

I had dope in my mull bowl, what the hell did I care about work.

I'm surprised how pissed off I am. Had enough. At the end of my rope.

I'm just sorry that I couldn't have rolled over and gone back to sleep, after I made the call. I'd never make a good assassin, can't kill without guilt.

It must be a day to light the fire and write some Haiku. I so want to go right brain and shut the world out.


1 comment:

RIC said...

You write about a fire, and I get so dizzy I almost faint away. But, of course, it's winter down there. Up here, right now, day after day between 35º and 40ºC...
Fine with me that you'll never make a good assassin. Were you somehow nurishing the thought of spending some time elsewhere than at home?...
«Shut the world out»: I do it too, not so often as I used to, but it always tastes delicious. Wish (you've had) a rewarding day! :-)