Sunday, April 15, 2007

Sn'day Arvo

Supermarket, washing, cleaning the kitchen, I'm in my domestic goddess mode. Thank the universe I don't have to vacuum and dust, thank you cleaner.

Hair in curlers, wrapped in a scarf, nylon brunch coat with tea stains, fag out of the mouth, natch. Just call me Gladys. I've been zipping around the house, lifting, moving, sorting. Well, not exactly. But I'm glad I looked in the mirror before I went to Safeway, I nearly didn't and I looked like, well, um, Gladys.

I had to go to Safeway, I had no food in the house and I thought better of a lamb kebab. I was starving, coffee and cigarettes just don't cut it.

Of course, there is a reward for all of this, Manny's practicing his music and should be finished and need of TLC by early evening. So, I had to get every thing done that I had to get done, before the new week. I'm exhausted! Ha, ha, ha!

Tom's coming over for a cup of tea in between. I've been up to my old tricks, not answering phones, but I'm getting better. I'm sure there must be a phobia regarding this. I forced myself to call back, it's not that I'm antisocial, as such, and it's not that I don't want to see Tom, who I haven't seen for ages, I just get lost in my own world and hate to be disturbed. Hello Chris, this is the world calling!

There is nobodies company I like better than my own.

I think I've got a hangover. Where are those pills?

Then off to Manny's... the best cure for a head ache that I know.

1 comment:

Bold oy! said...

"There is nobodies company I like better than my own."

That's lucky since that's the one you are stuck with forever.
I am the same!