Sunday, December 21, 2008

Slept the Day Away

Mitchel's handsome face was asleep on the pillow next to me. I'd forgotten how nice it is to wake up to a mate to play with, as I slipped my hands down between his legs. He laughed and jumped. I find it hard to sleep with men and Mitchel is a breeze. That must say something?

Mitchel left at midday, something about helping an auntie. He's very family orientated, which, I guess, is good.

David was cross-eyed on the couch when I got downstairs.

"There was fisting and double fisting and punch fucking," said David excitedly. "My e was so good, I can't believe it one and a half and I'm still going."

I rolled him a steady stream of j's to calm him down.

Shane woke up with Gary, who some how morphed into Mark W. by the afternoon. David and I are still not sure how that happened. Shane said he found Mark W. on the doorstep.

We got a real Xmas tree this year, we put red Xmas lights on it.

Mark W. poured vodka's until he announced he was going to drive home drunk.

"But I've got my car," he said when I protested. "It's only down the hill."

By that stage I couldn't see straight.

Conscious drifted into unconscious and the rest of the day drifted into sleep, the house was quiet, not even a mouse peep. The Xmas lights blinked red for themselves.

David had to take sleepers to bring himself down.

When we awoke, we smoked more pot and passed out again.

Ah, lovely Sunday.


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