Thursday, May 28, 2009

Keeping Men Inline

I was reading about various ideas on men and women and sex and marriage in the twentieth century, where traditionally the mantra seemed to be that men needed to get married so they had a woman to keep them under control.

I thought this was a really interesting idea. I have often wondered how gay marriage lessens straight marriage, which is so often the outcry. I always thought that if there were more people getting married, marriage would have to be strengthened, surely? It's only logical.

It doesn't take too much extrapolation to get...

Traditional marriage needs to be saved, because it is the vehicle with which straight men are kept under control.

Family values needs to be pushed, so men are kept under control.

Rugby players can't gang bang girls, even the ones who are asking for it, as the model, to keep men under control, will break down. So the women who admonish such behaviour are not speaking up to defend the girl who got screwed, they are speaking up to protect their power base and to keep control over their men.

Hence the great opposition to gay marriage. If you allow men to marry each other, the model changes, so straight men may just opt out altogether and do all of those unsavoury things that men like doing. The control will break down and marriage will crumble.

So like Rudd with his emissions trading scheme to protect the traditional polluting industries, marriage is only ever talked about in what affect it will have on traditional marriage.

We're being discriminated against to keep harmony in straight marriages.

So, we must understand that the general public never look at the issue of gay marriage in terms of what it may do for gay people, they only ever look at it in terms of how it affects them.


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