Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Bye Bye, it's Been Rich and Real

The heat makes me cranky, I know, I feel it, somebody stop me. I’m cranky.

David's gearing up to move out. He’s leaving soon. One week.

David moved his excess shit into the spare room when he moved in, I should have known better. The agreement was that it would be temporary and while it was there David would pay extra rent. 

Neither of those things happened.

Then the adorable Sebastian Ciccio wanted a room for his year in Melbourne away from Italy. I wanted him to move in.

I got cranky when David wouldn’t move his shit out of the spare room so Sebastian could have the room.

David couldn’t cope with me being cranky with him, with his me, me, me attitude. There is so little natural generosity, from being a spoilt child. I'm really not sure how that really works as a teacher? It is the glory bestowed upon him by his students, I am guessing.

So, he took himself off to somewhere where someone wasn’t cranky with him, namely Marg’s place.

You know, the quirks that you found charming at the beginning of a relationship (living together for 3 years, which is the relationship I am talking about, as we've known each other for many more years than that) are usually the ones that shit you the most at the end. It's true. The slow burn, continual, incessant focus on himself. It eventually wears you down.

The humidity makes me cranky, I know. I gnash my teeth in the heat, I can't help it.

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