Friday, April 30, 2010

Love A Good Sleep In

9.24. 10.22. 11.25. They were the moments I cracked open an eye and looked at the clock next to my bed. I so meant to get up at 10.22, oh well. I love my days off. Ha, ha. 

Nobody should have to work 5 days per week, it's inhumane. Of course, I only worked 1 and a bit days this week, gotta luv that.

Still in my dressing gown at midday, makes me feel like one of those stay at home mums. I guess, I just need to get myself a valium habit to match.

Just enough time to look at a few dirty pictures on the net and then it will be time to check into my second job - go chat with my mum, take her out to lunch, take her shopping, maybe take her to a movie.

My CEO ask me the other day how my writing was going? Gulp? Actually, now I think about her, I had dreams about her all night. We were huddled under a blanket together in a long line of people watching Mad Max style races. Anyway, I've dragged out my novel and I'm going to make myself do some work on it... instead of looking at dirty pictures on the net.

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