Thursday, June 25, 2015

Tony Abbott is pathetic, how are Australian's falling for this idiot?

The only policy that is working for the Liberal party are the counter terrorism policies. It is the only thing Herr Abbott is getting any traction with. The counter terrorism laws are a re-election policy, don't be mistaken, so Abbott can't have anyone suggesting that his policies will contribute to terrorism. 

So this has absolutely nothing to do with the safety of Australian's, and has everything to do with Abbott keeping his job. Abbott cares little for Australia and Australians, he proves that again and again and again with his terrible policies, he cares a lot for his own political survival. 

Murdoch is only interested in it as a business deal, he wants to boost the income of his empire. Murdoch and Abbott are both outraged at even a hint at something which could reduce their income.

Good TV is supposed to challenge you and make you think, it is supposed to offer its viewers the largest range of opinions, isn't it? Aren't we supposed to discuss things openly. It is a sign of a healthy democracy that there is the widest range of opinions.

What Zaky Mallah said on Q&A was reasonable and quite true. If you ostracise young muslims you are only going to add to their radicalisation, not lessen it.

To exploit this and to represent it as something it isn't proves Tony Abbott is pathetic. He is willing to destroy people's lives, to render Australian's stateless in his bid to be reelected. That, in my book, is pathetic in the extreme.

And now Herr Abbott has given himself the power to block information/websites, an internet filter by stealth, if you like. How dangerous does that make him?

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