Friday, December 02, 2016

What Have We Done?

I walked down Smith Street early this morning, just after 6am, and I passed 2 women wearing burkas, one the full affair, and the other more of a scarf. I noticed with both of them, that they looked quite nervous as I approached them and they moved right out of my way. Their eyes had fear in them.

How awful is that, I thought. What have we done as a society to make women such as this feel fearful of approaching men?

I wanted to say to both of them, "Don't worry, I don't mind what you wear. Please don't feel fearful simply standing in the street."

I don't get it. Why does anybody care what these women wear? It would seem very peculiar if we had to pass freedom of dress legislation, but is that what it would take. (of course, the opposite is more likely to happen) I would have thought, at a very basic level, that people are certainly free to wear whatever they like.

Is the Aussie fair go dead? Not if you are white, I guess.

Or is it religion fucking up the world, yet again. The Christians trying to stop the Muslims.

“We are a Christian country,” the Christians bleat repeatedly. (which is a stretch in itself) “We don’t like you Muslims coming here and wearing weird clothes and influencing the people away from our Christian ideals.”

Is that what is really going on?

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