Saturday, December 15, 2018

You Know Something,

You know something, with human beings denying climate change for their own personal gain, not knowing the basic truth of not poisoning their own nest; and because at any given moment half the human population is starving and half the human population is eating itself to death, (those with the food destroy 30% of it because it doesn’t look nice); and because it is now almost politically acceptable for the richest 5% (or whatever it is) to cheat the rest of the human population so the top percent of the population can grab all of the wealth, even if they have more than they will ever need; and all those humans fighting, and hating each other, discriminating against one another; and the lying, and the cheating, and the killing, and the inequality; and the mass extinctions of just about every other species on the planet; why should the human race be saved?

No, really, what are we trying to save?

A bunch of fools who shit all over everything and each other.

Thinking out loud,

America, Britain and Australia thought it was acceptable to invade Iraq with lies and 300 thousand Iraqis died. Hilary Clinton, allegedly, had Gaddafi killed to enhance her chances of winning the American election. Bashar al-Assad is poisoning his own people with biological weapons and the Syrians are fleeing their homeland in terror, and the racists around the world are getting uptight about letting those refugees into their countries. The right wingers are getting more and more confidant to discriminate against people of colour and of different heritage.

The American president is a compulsive liar.

The Russian President is a criminal, who has retained power illegally. There is a possibility he will invade Ukraine.

The Chinese president has given himself the job for life, while he invades the south china sea.

Conservative (Christian) westerners discriminate against Muslims and then act perplexed when Islamic State emerges. No idea that the policies of Neo Liberalism inequality could have contributed towards such a thing.

Big business is funding university research so they get the results they want.

There is now micro plastic in every living creature, including human beings.

I mean things aren’t going well.

And you know what, all of that is okay too. Human life has never had as much importance heaped upon it than the meaning human beings heap upon themselves. The universe, the world, the planet, and just about anything else that is not us, will not care, does not care if we are here, or not. And if we are not smart enough to preserve human life, nothing else will. The “bigger picture” will continue to be told with, or without us (and our gods). The infinite universe is not dependent on our existence. That is the truth.

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