Thursday, October 08, 2020

Can You Hear The Fat Lady Warming up? Because I Sure Can

And what do I think? I am at a loss to understand our inaction on climate change.

Really, I don't understand it?

The best I can come up with, is that I think collectively consciously, or subconsciously, we have elected terrible conservative governments, really the worst governments, that have had no policies on climate change, that have somehow made us feel safe in our denial.

Do I think we are going to survive? No, I don't. It's now too late. The arctic is melting. The Siberian tundra is melting. Recently, in Norway when it should have been 10 degrees below zero it was an unprecedented 20 degrees. There are floods in Europe. There are wild bush fires in Australia and California, there are islands going under the surface of the sea, catastrophic climate change is happening now. It is already happening.

And, any policy we now put in place has something like a 10 year lag to when it becomes effective, we have left it too late.

The current conservative governments around the world will potentially one day be charged with crimes against humanity for their deliberate mishandling of the planet's climate (to appease political donors).

There was a team of scientists, I think scientists, who worked out that if we mass plant trees we would buy ourselves something like 20 years, they even identified the public land where this could be done throughout the globe, and we are not even doing that.

It's such a shame really. What a beautiful planet. The blue planet. It was once just mind boggling taking in its spectacular wonders.

And it is also such a shame because humans have created some beautiful things too.

Throughout time, we have fought to stop the rich from destroying us in many, many ways and, essentially, the rich have now won. In the fight to get more toys than anyone else, the rich have destroyed us all.

The human race, such potential, but they just couldn't give up their petty jealousies to live together in collective harmony.

And you know, we think we are so superior, but a few short thousand years, and the planet will wipe any trace of us from its surface, like we might squash a bug into the ground with our shoe.

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