Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Take Your Freedom Away


A friend unfriended me on Facebook for this post. Seriously. She and her gym fanatic cheer squad have been particularly critical of our Premier and his lock down strategy, as the only life they have is grunting in a room with exercise machines (you know the type?) and they have been particularly aggrieved about that having been taken away from them.

I never went to her mindless posts and challenged her, but I didn't stop posting my own thoughts.

She came to my posts and challenged me.

Sharon Taylor – So there is no virus in other states states 💁💁💁💁💁

Christian Fletcher – There are no other states that had nearly 800 cases of community transmissions per day

Sharon Taylor – Christian, but that comment means no where else has virus (Grammar aside…)

Christian Fletcher – Sharon Taylor no other state had nearly 800 cases of community transmissions in a second wave, which is what took your freedom away

And then I got de-friended. Some people are happy with their own narrow, logically unsound world view, and I'd never go to her and tell her she is wrong, I don't have that much goodness to give to some narrow minded, unthinking fool.

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