Monday, October 19, 2020

Social Media

Social media is a cesspit of abuse and ill feeling, so they say.

Oh no, they don’t have to tell me, I’ve seen that myself.

It is easy to see why, though. I had occasion, recently, where I was unfriended on Facebook because, um, I’m not exactly sure why? I didn’t agree with what my friend believed.

This friend is/was rabidly against Daniel Andrews and consistently posted about that fact. I couldn’t have disagreed with her more, and what she had to say. Daniel Andrews has done a good job, I think. He is one of the only political leaders to bring a second wave under control. But, I never posted anything on my friend’s posts to challenge her ravings, although it was tempting. I simply continued to post my own opinions on my own feed. 

And she came to my feed and challenged me on what I’d posted. Her comment made no sense, it was pretty stupid to be honest. I simply restated my position to her, which amounted to me disagreeing with her. A day, or so later, I found she had unfriended me.

I sooooo want to go to her last comment on my post and tell her she is an idiot. I wasn’t sure she’d even see it, now that we weren’t friends, but her comments were still visible, so maybe, it was worth a shot. I had the urge to put her down, to make her feel like a fool with her illogical ideas. I wanted to be cross with her, a part (small part) of me still wants to. 

However, you know, when I feel like that, I simple defer to that doyen of social commentary Elizabeth Bowes-Lyons who said, “Never explain, never complain.” A (I’ve read where it was called odious) life motto to follow when you are out in the wild west of social media. (not really sure why someone would say it is odious?)

But, you know, I still want to tell my, now ex, friend, I assume, she is a fool. (Where do we go from here?) So, I can imagine how easy it must be for someone who, for want of a better expression, isn’t as smart as me, or is less evolved, or feels more put upon by the world, or has less to nourish them. It is hard to resist.

Ah, big breath. Relax. Disengage. Walk away.


Rephiir said...

Wise words. Relax. Disengage. Walk away (metaphorically lol).

It's so easy to get caught up in drama via social media. I deleted my facebook account recently. The privacy issues are so creepy, I just... long story.

I'm a fan of what our Government has done. People complain, but, if the other folks had been running the show, it'd be roughly the same - We can't just expect our government to be prepared for a situation like this. And if we look at the numbers, they've done a really great job in leading the way. People seem to sometimes be very short-sighted.

Lose a little bit of freedom short term, gain way more freedom long term.

Being up in Country Vic has made it a bit easier on me. Although because I live alone, until I had the one-house bubble, I was starting to get a bit lonely. But even then, they react to things, they do their best and they learn. What more can we ask of our leaders?

Also - RE responding on facebook. I tend to find that having an in-person one-on-one conversation is much more conducive to a meeting of minds. If your ex friend and you had a chat in real life, where you could both read the intended emotion (rather than perceived emotion) and really talk it through, maybe it'd be more productive than a social media conversation. I dunno. They way you described her, I personally wouldn't bother. Just a thought.

FletcherBeaver said...

You are right, it is a why bother situation