Wednesday, May 17, 2023

My Dream

I got up at 3.29am I get up for a wee.

I was visiting my sister in hospital, – it alternated between my sister and my mum – I drove dad’s Landcruiser to the hospital. It was a hospital right across town in the southern suburbs.

My sister/mother and I were going somewhere the next day, so when I got to her room I asked, “Did you want me to visit, or would you be happy to see me the tomorrow?”

“Oh no, I’d like a visit,” she said.

“You’d like a visit,” I repeated. Because I wanted to see her the next day, save myself the trip. (yes, I know, it doesn't make sense)

“Oh, yes please.”

So, I said I’d better get going if I had to come back and visit her, I had to leave. I was complaining about how far I had to go, and why couldn’t she be in the hospital in the northern suburbs, then it would only take me 10 minutes from home.

And the gaggle of nurses in the room – suddenly, it was a room as big as a ward – like a muppet's chorus, agreed that that would be much better only taking me 10 minutes.

Then I went to the car park, so I could go home and get my car so I could come back and visit. The Landcruiser was parked in a tight car spot, so I had to be careful backing it out.

As I was backing it out, the nurses nominated me for a competition, so as a part of the competition they took all the CDs out of the car and they were reading the covers word by word, until they found something that they were looking for - unspecified for winning the competition - and I had to wait why they read all the cd covers, half backed out of the carpark.

I went back to bed.

7.15am. I’m up.

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