Saturday, March 04, 2006

Saturday Morning Coffee

Time to get a couple of joints in, trawl the net, have a wank and then go see Lottie. The sun is shining, it is a beautiful day. Bliss.

Ah, Saturday morning in Carlton, off to the coffee shop to get beans for the week. Smile nicely at the coffee boy, who looks at me with a blush in his smile and a look of anticipation in his eyes - it could all be in my head, to be sure.

Yes, I'll have one of your muffins too, I said. Knowing which muffins I was talking about. He blushed again. Which one tastes better? I said. Oh, um, he said. Cherry, I said. I'll have your cherry... one. He fumbled getting the brown paper bag.

There's a new guy started at work, Matthew, kind of cute in a conservative, private school boy kind of way. As I looked through his CV, I noticed that he put down as his next of kin Justin Forte, partner. I know who I'll be sidling up to at the next works drinks. I've never had an affair with a guy from work, always just not thought that way, could never do that, so unprofessional. But lately I've decided it is one of those things I must do before I die. You know, like the list of books and the places to see. So Matthew, let's see what your made of. Besides, lately I've been tuning into the grapevine at work, something I never normally do, but the new HR manager is so tuned in, I find out everything. It's a worth while tool, one I've been clearly oblivious to all these years... and everyone is up everyone else, it's unbelievable, so I'm relaxing my attitude around that issue, I've decided.


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