Sunday, October 21, 2007

Recycling Shouldn't Cost More

I finally had my personalised number plates put on my car. I got the mechanic to do it while the car was in being serviced, as each existing plate were attached to the car with a pop-rivet in each corner and I don't have a drill to drill them out. I'm not that gay, I could have changed them myself, if I'd had a drill, no problem.

I'm good with all of that stuff, from having a father who could do any thing, from lecture a group of uni students, to changing a washer, to fixing a car. I learned by watching him and now can do lots of handy things your standard issue, urban gay boy, generally, can't do. Of course that is a stereotype, but I'm sure you get my point. I can fix things, I don't always need to call a tradie in to do the job.

If I keep the original plates and put them back on the car when I sell it, it will cost me a $100 transfer fee. But, if I have a new set issued, at that time, using up more of the worlds resources, it will cost me $28 for the plates. I think Vic Roads need to get with these modern, recycling times. Surely, it is just a number that has to be allocated to a car by the stroke of the computer keyboard? Why the $72 difference?

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