Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Green Days

Finite growth,
Finite planet,
I saw graffiti'd on a billboard, from the light rail, on my way back from St Kilda, from the dentist, last week. One second to midnight, all but done.
Environmental issues? Who cares? I think we are screwed! It is simply too late.
We're going down! Hang on!
The last hurrah.
The ice caps are melting, as is the perma-frost in Siberia and we are still pumping more carbon into the atmosphere every year. We're screwed because to save the planet we have to come between man and money, which has never been successful in the past.

I told one of the women at work that I couldn't care less about environmental issues, as I didn't have children. Oh, she raged about it being my responsibility for mankind. Blah, blah...
Why? I asked. Which one of your daughters is going to look after me when I'm old?
She looked holier than thou.
You'd better trade in your Landcruiser, in which you drive your 2 tiny little daughters around, if you are serious, I said. Not to mention the air-conditioning you had installed last summer.
I need that car, she said. It's the only one I feel safe in.
Which you drive to work on your own, I said.
And the summers have been so hot, she said.
Yes, that is, actually, the point, I said... for not having air-conditioning.
I walk to work and I drive my four cylinder car infrequently. I don't consume just for the sake of it. I've switched to renewable energy to power my house, I said. And, I don't have children, which is most of the problem. The government pays a baby bonus for political reasons when, in fact, the biggest threat to the planet is that there is simply too many human beings for the planet to sustain, now.
I say, let the breeders save the planet. Let us gays party like it's 1999... er... 2009?

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