A Cairns woman was "sickened" to discover her new mobile phone held sexually explicit photos of a female employee from the Dick Smith Electronics store where she had just bought the phone. The university student found the pornographic shots among 49 images stored on the phone, the Daily Telegraph reports. The explicit shots showed the female employee lying on a bed naked from the waist down and performing a sex act, and a man holding his penis. The employee is also seen in her bra and pulling her pants down. "It's sickening to think I've been using this phone near my face," the unnamed woman customer was quoted by the Telegraph as saying.
Been using it near her face? What a load of emotive clap-trap. It was used as a camera, not a dildo, you idiot.
"What people do in their own homes is their business. But I'm disgusted it was left on the shelf to be sold." The store had sold the customer a display model phone because it was the last one in stock. She later complained about the phone's audio quality and accessed its menu. It was then she sprung upon the offending photos. The explicit shots were among 49 images that included the female staff member in her Dick Smith Electronics uniform standing outside the store.
(You can hear her talking just like Pauline Handson, well, I can)
Its sad really, that we now live in a world where everything is a scandal, or a shock event! (thank you skanky newspapers) This is not an affront to this woman's emotional well being. She was sickened? I wonder how she reacts to incidences that really are awful. Everything is now an outrage, or a scandalous occurrence.
Here's a word of advice to the, surprise, surprise, Queensland woman, Delete the photos and move on. This is NOT a terrible thing. There are a huge number of people in the world who don't have access to fresh water, luv.
Do people like this, in our celebrity worshipping society, want to get their names in the newspapers and their faces on television, so, they to, can feel like a star? Otherwise, I just don't get it. She's probably aiming for a multi million dollar damages payment for emotional distress and the loss of enjoyment of life, thank you to all the blood sucking lawyers out there.
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