Monday, September 15, 2008

Oh Yes

I got my script, more or less, finished, to first draft stage. I got Act 2 done over the weeks since I've quit work. (back into right brain, it's a comforting place to be) It's complete and ready for re-writing.

Yay for me.

Funnily enough, a friend of a friend, at Bolago on the weekend, is a writing lecturer, from the University of Adelaide, who has also taken time off to write a script. We're going to form our own, quasi reading group, to help each other with our writing.


Gabriel said...

yay - i'll be in line for the book when it comes out.

FletcherBeaver said...

It will be a film... I'll get you a ticket.

Bold oy! said...

Can I get one too?
Will it show in California?

FletcherBeaver said...

I hope it will show in California, that would be grand