Ed note - we all know that Jesus is the pretty one, the pin-up boy of the spiritual world and that Mohammed is the ugly one, why else can't he be depicted in image?
So which one would you like to see with an erection?
An art gallery in Britain which exhibited a statue of Jesus Christ with an erection has been taken to court by a devout Christian who says she is offended by the work and argued that the gallery would "not have dared" to portray Mohammed, let alone in that way.
The artwork was part of an exhibition at Baltic Centre for Contemporary Art in Gateshead, near the northeastern city of Newcastle, which featured dozens of plaster figures including Mickey Mouse, ET, and Jesus - all with erections.
The items were shown in a presentation a year ago of works by controversial Chinese artist Terence Koh.
Signs warning of the exhibition's content were posted at the entrance to the gallery, which was sued at Gateshead Magistrates Court for a breach of Section 5 of the Public Order Act and offending public decency.
Lawyers for Emily Mapfuwa, a 40-year-old Christian who said she was offended by the artwork, prosecuted the gallery for outraging public decency and causing harassment alarm and distress to the public.
(ed note - causing harassment, alarm and distress to... one person, apparently)
Mapfuwa argued that, given the public sensitivities over the issue, the gallery would not have dared to depict Mohammed, let alone in such a way.
(ed note - who cares how they may, or may not, have portrayed Mohammed, we are talking about a statue of Jesus)
Mapfuwa said she believed in freedom of expression, but was of the opinion that "this statue served no other purpose than to offend Christians and to denigrate Christ."
(Ed note - as is so often the case with God Botherers, freedom of expression is okay, as long as it is not in conflict with thousands of years of mythical beliefs)
The maximum penalty would be six months in prison and a fine of 5,000 pounds ($A10,596).
However, opening procedures faltered on a legal technicality Tuesday and the case was adjourned until September 23.
Ninemsn 03.09.2008
Ed note - get lives you stupid people and leave the rest of us alone. Concentrate on how you live your lives and stop trying to influence the rest of us, who don't believe in your two thousand year old nonsense.
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