Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The Bitch Nurse

Arrived from Bolago to mums about 10.30. The bitch nurse was still there, so I drove right on passed. Then I waited down the road, like a child, spying from behind another parked car, until she left. I was frightened about getting told off about the potential lack of the food in the house, as we didn't go shopping Friday, mum had her lunch, Saturday, as my sister was coming, and then yesterday I stayed at Bolago, instead of taking her shopping.

I’d had a dream about the nurse chastising me, as I felt guilty about not seeing her Monday.

Pathetic, I know. I kept thinking what Jill would have said as I waited for the little white car to leave.

You should embrace my nurse, says Jill. You should be thankful that someone is taking an interest in your mother.

Oh, if it hadn't been for the time gap in the shopping and the possible lack of food in the cupboards, I would have walked straight in there. I want to meet her, we haven’t met yet and talk to her, otherwise it will become this thing, way bigger than it actually is.

Guilt over nothing too, I thought afterwards. Lottie can go to the supermarket and get food for herself, if she wants.

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