Sunday, April 19, 2009

Everybody Likes To Talk About Being Green.

I had afternoon tea in Carlton, on Thursday afternoon. Afterwards, I walked home, the sun was shining, it was a glorious day. As I walked down Faraday Street, I counted 14 black, BMW, Mercedes or Range Rover 4WDs. It isn't that far down Faraday Street to Nicholson Street, I stopped counting at 14. It made me think, we are never going to survive, as Carlton is one of those suburbs where the smart and socially aware, allegedly, live. Apart from the fact of the petrol consumption of these beasts, nobody needs a one hundred and something thousand dollar car when half the world is starving.

When I got home, just as it happened, there was a guy at the door selling a power company alternative to the one I use. The fact that he was a good looking, out going young man had nothing to do with it, I swear. When he told me how much cheaper per unit, good old fashioned brown coal power is compared to my green, renewable sourced power, I thought, fuck it, clearly, judging by the cars in Carlton, nobody else gives a toss, so why should I be paying a premium price for electricity and, nobody can explain to me quite why, gas, so I changed back.


Gabriel said...

you are a bit of skanky trash aren't you LOL let a cute boy stand in the way of your environmental principals..... forgiven.

FletcherBeaver said...

Well, blush, cute boy Adam certainly didn't hurt, but I think you have missed my main point.

Oliver said...

Your main point being that it's not worth trying? No way.

FletcherBeaver said...

My main point being that a lot of people do a lot of talking about being green, but when it come down to it, they don't act like it applies to them. If people were serious, they wouldn't be buying
4WD's at the rate they do. And you know, I see it around the schools too at pick up time, a huge, huge number of the mother's drive 4WDs and they have kids who they should be saving the planet for.

Bold oy! said...

Your logic is somewhat twisted. Is it OK for you to pollute because so many others are hypocritical about being green?
But I agree: we are not going to survive. I watched 'The 11th hour' yesterday and it brought that point home.

Gabriel said...

i have to agree - green is great talk and little or few act. a bit disheartening that we are talking ourselves to the premature end of earth as we knew it. and you are right, we don't even have children to pass this planet to and we are more outrightly concerned about these issues. strange.

sorry i missed the point. i've had lots of blonde moments recently.