I got Imperial, because I'm a bit of an Imperial boy and Novas, as I'd never had them before. I used to have this conversation with Tom. He was strictly an Imperial boy. Sigh.
The Novas are good, I can recommend them.
Although, not much in a mandarin, apparently. They taste so good, but are inferior fruit to Oranges, which have lots of antioxidants that mandarins don't have. How could this be?
Pretty, they taste good, but with no depth. A bit like a blond.
Maybe, they are good to juggle with? Maybe?
I'm sure they'd be good to throw at cockheads, you know, people who drive every where at 40k's, but, why, when you can have mandarin juice running down your chin instead.
I've always been a fan of clementines.
And I'd also like to send good vibes in your direction during this rough time for you. Stay strong and lean on your friends! I'm thinking of you and your mum.
Thanks Oliver
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