There was one red dot of a coal left in the fireplace, when I came downstairs. I pulled my fire magic with small twigs and small pieces of wood and got it burning again. Lovely.
I wrote my journal. Caught up my blog. At night when the teli is going it is too hard to concentrate on writing, but it is quiet in the morning.
We have a huge error at work, which Mazz and I found on Tuesday. It is a repeat of an error we had previously, which (big boss) Remy made Kirin do an audit in January to assure him it would not happen again, was not happening still. Teflon (I say that ironically now) Kirin, of course, gave it to me to do. Or should I say, Pass the Buck Kirin gave it to me. What can I say, she is the boss. I produced a spreadsheet checking for errors on which this latest error was marked for Kirin’s attention. Kirin, who never really checks anything, didn’t look into it and now 7 months later is has raised its ugly head bigger and badder than ever before. Oh, I am not looking forward to that.
Auditing the system, that error was originally made by Kirin herself, but I audited to find it. It was all Kirin’s mistake though. And even though I did mark it for Kirin’s attention, I could have fixed it in January and now I am not really sure why I didn’t. But being the boss Kirin is responsible.
I have to tell Kirin about it today and, essentially, being in the mortally wounded position that she is in, it is going to be a really fucken big deal. She is struggling for her survival.
Wish me luck.
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