Monday, January 04, 2016

I Have The Next Week Off

My boss, F, said to me, somewhere around the beginning of December, "You are having time off until the 11th of Jan, aren't you?"

No, I thought. I'm not.

A few weeks later, my boss, F, said to me, "You are having time off until the 11th, aren't you?"

No, I thought.

Then when we were finally getting around to talk about our Xmas leave, F said to me, "You are having until the 11th off, aren't you?"

"Yes," I said. "Yes, I am." What are you to do? I don't have to be told twice, or 3 times, as the case might be, not to come to work.

So, I have the next week off, just like that. Lovely. F's going back a week earlier than me, maybe she has something to prove, more likely she is just trying to be a fair manager. I don't know, I don't care really, I have a week off.

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