Thursday, January 21, 2016

Room At The Inn

Two French boys came over with a view to renting our spare front room. Sam has decided to take matters into his own hands. We have a new housemate, Tuan, renting the smaller spare room, already, he moves in on the weekend.

Sam said that if he waited for me, which he claims he has been doing, that nothing would get done. My reply has always been that I didn’t really want new housemates, I am happy living just him and me. However, he thinks that if we have 3 spare rooms, we should rent out 2 and keep one for guests. I didn’t see it that way exactly. I have always lived with housemates, nearly all of them friends who have at varying times in their lives needed somewhere to live, and I kind of reckon I’m done.

However, saying that, I guess the money will be good.

One of the French boys looked a bit like my old Greek mate George, (who looks like Ted from How I Met Your Mother) the other was blonde and balding, but the blonde one was the sexier of the two. They both had on shorts and singlets and they were both strapping lads. (The blonde one's shorts hugged him in a very pleasing way) We let Buddy in to say hello and he got overly excited, of course. He tried to hump the dark-haired French boy. When we tried to put him out, Buddy not the French boy, he turned into snarling, biting, barking mental dog, as he does sometimes when you try to stop him doing something that he really wants to do. So, no surprise, the French boys didn’t want to take the room after that.

We laughed, afterwards, can you imagine what they thought? Those guys with the mental dog. I reckon I’d be left wondering if I’d been them.

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