Thursday, March 24, 2016

New Technology

I'm watching my new heating unit being installed with greater and greater horror, as it is now a wall mounted unit. It was not able to be moved to a different position in the back yard, because in a terrace house there aren't that many "other positions" and I now I have, what looks like a refrigerator attached to my back wall, just outside the back door. Really? Oh, er, um, oh... it couldn't be worse, if it tried. No really, it couldn't be more awful. Oh, fucken yuk!

And the tradie has thrash metal playing loudly on a radio. I feel like I am in Guantanamo Bay Torture chamber... all need is to be stripped naked and have water poured on my head.

It is all too horrible... yes, sure, I could be a Somalian prostitute locked in a cupboard in Vladivostock never seeing the light of day, other than from the cigarette lighers of the john's who fuck me raw every 30 minutes, sure... but it is all relative.

Yes, of course, I went outside and told the tradie it looked terrrible. :) No, subtly has never been one of my strong suits. Of course, he thought I was commenting on his work. :o Oops. So, then I spent the next 5 minutes reassuring him of his manhood. Really? People are so self-focused. "No, not your fault, I didn't mean that..." o.O Me and my big mouth. I should learn not to think out loud.

Afterwards I realised, that at the start, when the tradie asked if he could cut back the garden, I said, "Cut whatever you like." We have a huge clump of strelitzia, half of which our red-haired tradie cut away. If I'd only though, had I only realised, we could have pulled them back with a rope and with a bit of luck they wouldn't have broken and they would have covered up the new unit just fine. Don't you hate it when that happens? 

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