Monday, October 26, 2020

Monday Morning Blues

Ah, Monday morning, plug back into work. Yay! Crack open the eyes. Stretch. Yawn. Switch on, me & the computer. Now, where was I? The weekend went fast, now didn't it. (Actually, I don't work Thursdays and Fridays, so my extended 4 day weekend went super fast. Blink. Blip. Here we go again. I can’t complain too much, my job is as easy as taking a shit.)

Get going. Work, work, work. Do, do, do. Achieve, achieve, achieve. Ahhh! Woo Hoo! (Did I say woo hoo? I meant, woo, er, oo) Head down, arse up.

Then, hit a wall. Splat! Updates are needed. Grrrrr! (And I was doing so well)

Then, IT are up dating my system, remotely, yawn. (How long is this going to take, he thinks, gazing at his watch?)

When will it be done? 

Can’t say, will let you know.

Strum my fingers on my desk. (Actually, it is an antique dining room table, but I am sure you get my point) IT are taking their sweet fucking time. Grrrrr. Twiddling my thumbs now. Tra la la. I'd whistle, if I could.

How long do I have to wait before I send them a WTF email?

Ah, Monday morning. I might go make another coffee. (I miss the IT guys, they are a sexy, blokey bunch at my office)


Rephiir said...

Why is it that you cannot whistle?

I can whistle in AND out.
So I'm pretty much set for life ;)

FletcherBeaver said...

Pfffff. Pfffff. Thhhhhh. Fffffffff. Sssssss. That's an impression of me whistling. I'm sure it is probably genetic. I can't remember if my mum and dad could whistle. I can hardly remember my dad at all.