Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Getting The Story Straight

5.50am. I was up.

I got straight to work as I have to take Buddy for a blood test at 10am.

It rained quite heavily. Milo came in about 4 times soaked rubbing against my legs. Four times I had to dry him.

7.45am. David calls. “Now I know something is wrong,” I say. David doesn’t get up until midday, usually. And he’d called me early two mornings in a row.

“Ha ha, it’s quite lovely, actually,” says David. “Being up this early. Who’d have thought?”

He’s on his way to the Gold Coast to see a specialist. David loves a specialist. He spends a lot of time seeing them. Well, I mean, he is precious. Chuckle.

8am. Sam is up.

I go a lot of my work done. I finished off work for Themidget and Thegrandpoohbah. I hoped they wouldn’t have any questions about any of it while I was gone to the vet, as I wasn’t planning to disclose my absence to any of them. They never know if I am there normally, so why start telling them now. Surely, that is one of the perks of working from home. Besides, I’d already done 4 hours and I’d only be gone for 2.

9.20am. I leave for the vet. Me & Buddy for Buddy’s blood test.

We get there right on 10am. We wait in the waiting room with a gorgeous Golden Retriever. The Golden retriever wants desperately to play with Buddy, but Bud is having none of it. Maybe, he knows the gravity of the situation he is in.

10.15am. I’m in seeing cutie Dev. “Hi, long time no see,” said Dev.

“I guess that’s a good thing,” I said.

He laughed. “Sure.”

He’s still handsome, maybe a little fatter, just a touch. Guess who’s been eating during lockdown, I thought.

I lifted Buddy onto the table and Dev examined.

“I’ve treated lymphoma in the past and I have done chemotherapy,” he said. “I’d expect to see Buddy’s lymph nodes more swollen.”

He didn’t think Buddy has lymphoma. “Only some of Buddy’s lymph nodes are swollen up and, but they all certainly aren’t all swollen.” He thinks it is more likely an infection.

“Like the ear infection for which we bought him in?”

“Well, yes.”

“But, the other vet looked at his blood under a microscope and saw something… with Buddy’s blood.”

“Oh, Karen,” said Dev. “Well, that is consistent with and infection too.”

“Oh, well, that’s good… then.”

“Yes. You’ll have to bring him back in a few weeks to check him again.”


“We’ll do the blood test,” Dev said. “That wouldn’t necessary show lymphoma, but we’ll check for anything else.”

Dev picked Buddy up in his big, strong arms and took him out the back for a blood test.

I didn’t know if I should be angry, or pleased. Angry at the junior vet for what she’d put me through, or please with Dev for straightening it all out. I opted for pleased.

The 1st of July we have to go back. Can you believe it is nearly July already?

Buddy has a shaved patch on his leg where Dev took blood, like a war wound.

We headed home, Bud and me.

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