I’m sure all Victorians can be excused for feeling a little pleased, well, not pleased, exactly, but maybe vindicated with the continued outbreak of Covid 19 in NSW, after having ScuMo and FryThemBurgers ramming home, on every occasion they possibly could, how much of failure Victoria has been throughout this pandemic.
We’re all in it together said ScuMo and JuniorBurgers at the beginning of the pandemic, however that soon changed when the well, awful, opportunistic Federal Liberals saw how they could score politically with every bit of bad luck Victoria has endured, never falling to hold up NSW and Glady’s whateverhernameis (corrupt Glad getting away with it because she is a Liberal and that is what Liberals do) as the gold standard because it was politically expedient to do so.
And before I get, don’t-say-that, you-make-me-feel-awful-when-you-say-that, of course it is wrong, of course none of us should feel like that, and, of course, none of us feel that towards the people of NSW, but that is what the politics of division at which the Liberal Party is a champion engenders in people.
It gets wearing when you are continually called the pariah state for no good reason other than keeping a bunch of fat, empathy deficient, Liberal Party liars in power.
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