Saturday, November 05, 2022

Glasses, Eyes

I have to get my glasses repaired, I stood on them for a second time in a week. I have never stood on them before. You know what Sam blames it on...

I have to go and get an eye drop script filled. I am sure I was supposed to use the new eye drops and to throw the first bottle away.

I'm still using the first bottle. Oh yes, I know, eye drops, some people get very pedantic about them. You know what Sam blames it on...

It is like my distance vision, which was never the reason I got glasses, it was always close up, is now better without my glasses. So walking in the street is better without them, watching TV is better without them. So, I am taking them off a lot. And when I am home on my own, I rarely put lights on, just the glow of the TV for me. So, I must have knocked them off the coffee table when I reached for the remote, or my phone. In my bed room first last week and now in the lounge room. Twice I've taken them to my local glasses shop and I have got them repaired free of charge.

So I asked David if it was possible. Maybe they had tightened up some muscle, or something.

I could hear David glaze over, even over the phone. You see David used to be an optometrist, but he hated it.

"So could that happen?"

"Oh, I don't know."

"Yes, you do."

"Well... and David mumbled away wearily, as if he was channeling some other language, piecing the possibility together... and the only thing I ever understand when he does that, begrudgingly, is either, "So, that's possible," or, "So that's not possible."

But this time he mumbled the response.


"Go back to your surgeon if you have any worries."

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