Monday, November 28, 2022

Screwed Over Workers

Monday in the office... oh, fuck the world. We discovered a better way of working and now our companies seem intent on taking it away from us.

I now have to work in the office every Monday, it just kind of sneaked up on me, all tied up with the last cranial explosion by HR.

Damn, the drama by Human Remains, distracted me. I was going to argue against it, but I had to sort out the nonsense. Grrr! (Trust that idiot department to be involved)

I got to the office at 6.45am, really, just because I wake early (and I live close to the CBD). It is kind of nice being up early, and travelling through the still sleepy city. It is gentle and comforting. I even like being the first person in the office.

Mostly, I get there early, so I can leave early, which I did at 3pm. 

And it is a bit of a fuck you in my mind, at least I get a number of hours done before I have to associated with any of the bastards who are making me go to the office. Makes sense? Ah fuck it, I don't care. I'm just lucky I wake up early. I like waking up early, they are precious waking hours I don't have to associate with other people.

I still have some ideas about curtailing the attending office requirements, which I have to admit, thus far, amounts to just not going in. I wonder how seriously the excs would take that?

I'm wondering how many Mondays I'd get away with a Monday text off, "I'm working from home today."

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