Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Slamin Doors

SMS. 7.49. How about lunch 2day? – Rachel
SMS. 7.54. otherwise I will be forced 2 clean the fridge and maybe some ironing and that’s not something u want 2 be responsible 4! – Rachel

I stopped in Auburn Road – outside 25 – and sent sms’. The thought of Gina being at Tom’s hospital bed when the next sms arrived was just too delicious to pass up. (against my better judgement, as was proved to be correct)

SMS. 10.31. (Rachel and Tom) Comin down like a skanky, whore BITCH! Been slamin doors and phones! REALLY NOT NICE TODAY! – Christian
SMS. 10.32. Will u ever grow up? I am off 2 Malvern then Camberwell then St Kilda, if u need coffee by the water about 2 call me – Rachel
SMS. 10.33. So, I’m off to mums. Let’s hope she doesn’t say the wrong thing – Christian
SMS. 10.35. I might just do that. How’s 2ish sound? May be? – Christian
SMS. 10.40. Fab let me know about 1 – Rachel
SMS. 10.45. Hey Jude, Josh Gale wants to catch up with u before he leaves Saturday – Christian
SMS. 11.16. I am blind remember luv Tom with health – cb
SMS. 11.21. Yeah doll, I know ur eyes r fucked. But the thought of Gina reading the previous message to ya amused me – Christian
Tom called me after this, but I was too cross to be sympathetic and I railed at him before I hit end. The anger welled up in me all over again as I spoke to him.
SMS. 11.49. 2CV next 2 me! – Rachel
SMS. 12.46. I’m finished early where r u? Still up 4 coffee or should I go shopping – Rachel

I am telling you what I really think. I took drugs on Friday, I had a good time. I have no guilt nor do I feel the need for confrontation with anyone regarding it.
I feel like shit today, but, surprise, surprise. I’ve slammed doors and phones.
Thank you for your concern, but, really, I’m fine. Big smile.
I care about you too.
Do you want to go out dancing one night? Be bad? So we can lament about it the next day? We can use expressions that don’t really mean much like, gosh we were soooooo bad. I should have said, I was such a hot dancer last night, except I didn’t dance at the house warming, I stood and chatted to people all night.
I have absolutely no concerns regarding my drug habit. None.
I haven’t fucked anybody on drugs for years, quite possibly this entire millennium. I much prefer to have sex when I’m not on drugs. It works much better for me; bright eyes and enchanting smiles that I can see clearly before we kiss.
I like to get out of it and dance when I’m on drugs. Feel the music, disappear into my own space and groove on the riffs and the beat, which is probably what I was doing at Public Office. I connect quite successfully after that when I’m home having a cup of tea and a j.
I do think you are fantastic.
I do think you have a gorgeous laugh.

Well about fucking time!

I didn’t really understand Luke’s response, initially. I guess it means that he was just concerned for me all along.
I adore Luke. He is one of the nicest blokes I know. He is fantastic, fun, nice to be with. He does have a gorgeous laugh, hearty and infectious. But, I guess, I am not reading him right, hey? I thought I was being light and breezy, chatty, sharing with him what I was doing. It seemed like he was attacking me…attacking is too strong a word. It felt like, I guess, he was judging and deliberately picking a fight.
I guess I was wrong.
I took to my bed after this and didn’t come out, except for a couple of occasions. Tim told me what had been going on regarding Ab.
Josh came home around 10pm, but I just couldn’t talk to him, couldn’t talk to anyone. I was waiting for my furious side to calm down. It didn’t happen.

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