Saturday, March 15, 2008

Strange Conscience

I went around to get coffee beans, cherry muffins and some pot.

Max had laughed down the phone when I'd called him earlier. "What's happened to you, luv?"

And then I got a drug dealer with a social conscience. "I've got half bags for fifty, or I could even do a twenty dollar bag, just for you." Max's green eyes sparkled at me. "If you just want a couple of smokes.

Max's boyfriend Tiffany, said from under a geometrical blonde bob, from the other couch. "Having a bad day, doll?"

When is Guido coming back, I thought, as I hesitated in indecision.

"No, not a bad day." I could feel my face spread with a fake smile. "No." I could feel butterflies in my stomach. "It's just my weekend off... and I just feel like it." Maybe you should change your smoking habits, if you are now justifying them to a man who can only have sex with other men dressed as Barbra Streisand, I thought. "I'll take the twenty dollar bag."

That's Max needing his men to be dressed as Barbra Streisand before he can have sex and not Tiffany. I laughed at the prospect. I looked at Max.

"You were doing so well," said Max's handsome Italian face looking up at me.

"Yeah, well," I said. "I still am."

"I can see that," said Tiffany's baritone voice. Then she did that annoying you-are-kidding-yourself laugh. You know that self righteous high ground they have no business occupying. I could see the track marks in his arm.

Now, I'm just pissed off that I have come home with a bag with a few crumbs in the bottom. What was I thinking? Ah Guilt, god love it.

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