Monday, August 23, 2010

More Crazy Talk

I said to Shane. "You know, the next best person for Prime Minister, let's face it, is Malcolm Turnbull." There's hardly an excess of talent in the political arena. "So, the Libs can have a shot next, with him at the helm."

Shane thought for a minute, then shook his head. He backed away from me, as his eyes opened and took me in. "A Liberal govt... that's what you are saying?"

How much difference would you say there is between the two major political parties?

"We need Julia as PM this time around, if for no other reason than for the impersonators who are going to pop up. I've heard some who have just cracked me up already."

Not that I'll be voting Liberal any time soon. But, you know, if the people who actually matter in our elections, those in the marginal seats, want to throw Labour out, do it at the next election, when Big Ears hasn't a hope of ruling.

I live in the electorate of Melbourne and we've already spoken. Well done guys. You know, I don't really care about global warming, I don't have any kids. The first fifty years of this century will, by all accounts, probably be okay, but increasingly it's not looking too bright for the second half of the century. But just thinking logically, it is clearly the most pressing problem the world faces today. Making more money for the small number of people who own all of the wealth is becoming less important. The people are going to have to speak up on this issue, and in Melbourne they have. Come on the rest of the country, catch up.

But, I think Malcolm Turnbull is a good guy. That's all I'm saying.

Poor old Julia, huh? Minority government? Seems to be a trend around the world. Tasmania. England. The people are speaking, they are tired of not being listened to. They are tired of the political spin. They are tired of politics by numbers. Let's face it, The Rudd government was elected on environmental issues as one of the hot political topics. And what did they do with it? They gave it a shot, at best. They dropped it when it got to difficult, as they veered to the right in their leaning.

Nothing else is going to matter, if the planet dies. That much I do know.

But, did you hear Kevin Rudd's electorate win speech? He did go on... and on. Buddy, that's why we dumped you as leader. What are you saying?

David, who is absolutely clueless when it comes to politics - couldn't, once, name the Prime Minister or what political party was in power - said, "Oh it was fine. There was a sex party, so I voted for that."

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