Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Really, Talking Nonsense Does Nothing to Benefit Society

Russia’s anti-gay laws should come to Australia, says the PM’s sister, 62 year old, Loree Rudd. (Whoever she might be?)

She wants Australia to introduce a Vladimir Putin-style ban on schoolchildren being taught about homosexuality.

(Edna Everage grimace)

You know, firstly I'd say why was this given any publicity at all? Why is anyone interested in some old woman proving that she is a Christian bigot and a hate-monger dressed up in sheep's clothing. There is nothing new about that.

"I love you all, but I will deny you any chance of a legitimate existence."

Why do we give people like this the publicity to yet again talk about something they don't know about, or understand. It is just sad really, anyone else who spoke from such a position of ignorance would be pitied.

She has made a history of talking rubbish. About gay marriage, she told her local (QLD) newspaper: ''The whole concept of equality comes from the Bible, from the sacred scriptures. All people are equal before god, but not all relationships.''
You just can't argue against something like that because it makes no sense what so ever. When people like her use gobbledegook like that, it effectively silences any views to the contrary, because you can't have a differing opinion to nonsense.

But, back to the point. Introduce a ban on school children being taught about homosexuality. Why? What would that, actually, do? It would leave a group of straight children ignorant to another group of people in society. It would deny gay kids role models. And the benefit would be? What would the benefit be? Really, come on, one benefit? Just one?

The only benefit would be that Loree Rudd would have her christian views validated. That is the only benefit here.

That is the sad 21st century christian message.
"This is what we believe and you must believe it to."
"Dissent will not be tolerated." said in the voice of Davros.

I still don't get it. I thought the belief in god gave christian's peace and joy and fulfilment and love and a purpose and made their lives rich and whole and pure.
Clearly that isn't true. It must be the god-squad's recruiters spin to get new sign ups and new devotees. "Tell them what they want to hear, just get them to join up."

Christians must have only a tenuous grip on the word of god and their faith, otherwise what a bunch of poofs and a group of dykes did, or said, wouldn't bother them at all. But they clearly have such a poor grip on what they claim to believe in that what the gay community does some how undermines their christian beliefs.

The conclusion is, that the mythical word of god is nothing and means nothing to most people, christians included.
And I don't even want to say that. I am really happy for people to believe in god. I think it is fantastic for people to have a belief system which nourishes their lives and makes them feel like better people. Good for them, I am sure it must be a great thing.

But if it is so fulfilling, why do they use it time and time again to deny other people their beliefs and rights?

It is something I just don't understand.

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