Mazz didn't want me to leave, she said she'd miss me and didn't know how she'd cope without me.
"Bahahahahaha. And me too."
I didn't want to leave either, but that was the role I was employed to do, fill in until Mazz was hired and then train her before I left. I didn't want to leave because the office was, literally, at the end of my street. People asked me how long it took me to get to work, it is an obsession with employees now a days, as so many of them seem to live at the end of one of the many freeways that infest our cities with traffic.
"Five minutes."
"Ha ha ha ha, no really?"
"No, really, five minutes, I only live across the road."
"OMG!" was so often the answer. "It takes me an hour and half on a good day," was so often the answer.
I can't imagine what that would be like, an hour travelling to work on a good day. My number 01 job requirement is being able to walk to the office. Permanent job, of course, I can't be quite so specific with assignment work.
The sun is out now, the day smells fresh, I'm going to take Buddy for a walk. And then maybe rest. Of course, Sam is right onto the chores, chores, chores quite different to my usual between assignment time when he is at work. I might have to put some Phenergan in his tea.
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