Monday, April 13, 2015

My Cute Cat

I'm sitting here with Milo purring in my lap. He is such a purry cuddly kitten, quite the charmer. Eight months old now, so nearly not a kitten. He's getting bigger, but he still has his kitteny face. He is so playful and active though, but maybe that is simply compared to Missy, who was 20 years old, after all.  

He is trying to chew the buttons off my business shirt. What a little scamp.

He's a biter and a licker. I tap his nose whenever he bites and he looks incredulous, as cats always do when you do such things.

Oh, hang on, he just discovered my muesli on the coffee table. 


Incredulous look. Why are you telling me off! What gives? They never really understand why they aren't allowed to do just as they please.

Back in my lap he is like a vibrating hot water bottle. Cute, huh.

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