Wednesday, September 28, 2016


I believe in euthanasia for the old, the sick, the deformed, the dying and even the tired. Why not the tired? What right have "we" to tell people how they should live their lives? The problem with that, of course, is what criteria on which you judge it. You know, if two doctors have to sign it off, or whatever it is called. There is no way to judge tired of life. But then how do you judge old? Should old people be allowed to elect to go? I think they should. But how do you judge old? How old? What state of decrepitude? And how do you judge deformed, for that matter. I personally think that severely deformed children should be killed, allowed to die, whatever you want to call it. But, is a hair lip deformed enough as grounds for euthanasia? So, is it illness? Or terminal illness? Who is to judge that one person's pain is greater than another person's pain? "The dying" is the simplest to judge, I guess.

But, I am sure all of those things can be worked out. The true tragedy, really, is the unwillingness to work it all out. Let them eat cake.

Of course, people should have the power over their own destiny. They should be able to take control of their lives. Chart their own course. Say when they want to end it, have had enough.

People can't be trusted, say those against it, not to abuse the power. The only thing that I don't trust is that human beings can be trusted to make the laws that are required.

It is a very sad fact that some people would rather see people suffer, in some cases terribly, than have their religious beliefs challenged.

Funny how the neo liberals only want to apply their freedom to economic markets, but when it comes to, what are so often called moral issues, they are more than happy to regulate and to tell people how to live their lives.

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