Saturday, November 27, 2021

Going for Ice Cream

We walk down to the shops. It was hot. We went for ice cream

Some guy with two fluffy white dogs was up the side street just a bit looking in the shop window that goes up the side street just a bit. I call to Buddy as we walk passed as there was broken glass all over the footpath and I didn’t want him to step in any of it. As we keep walking the two uncontrollable fluff balls come barking at Buddy. The guy holding the leads of the two aggressive white powder puffs tells me I should put Buddy on a lead.

“Don’t worry, my dog won’t care.” Buddy has continued to walk on.

“But my dogs do care, so put your dog on a lead, mate. It’s the law.”

Seriously, I think? “My dog is really laid back and he won’t care about your dogs,” I repeat.

“You have no right to have your dog off a lead, especially a fat arsed dog like that. Put it on a lead.”

Fat arsed dog like that. “Maybe you should try some training and then maybe you’d be able to control your dog’s better.”

He continued, but I walked away. In the five years I have been walking Buddy off his lead there has only been two guys whose sphincter I have actually heard shutting tight when they have been talking about leash laws. It never fails to be proven again and again, dogs are aggressive if their owners are.

Moments later, we’re at the ice cream shop buying ice cream. The sun is shining.

Boysenberry for Sam and salted caramel for me.

People stopped and asked if they could pat Bud, as is always the case. Bud and Bruno line up for their pats. Some people take photos of them.

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