Tuesday, November 23, 2021


Tuesday. Nyr. Don't you hate Tuesdays. Wednesdays get the bad wrap, but really, Tuesdays are worse, as they precede more of the working week. At least Wednesday is half way to something, Tuesday isn't anything to anything. Just an appendix to Monday, an addition, an afterthought. And we all hate Mondays, so much so that they wrote a song about them. But Tuesday doesn't even have the agro of Monday to differentiate it. Nothing, that's what Tuesdays are, nothing. Not even worth getting upset over. Just settling in for whatever is to come. I bet nothing interesting has ever happened on a Tuesday? Pancakes is about the best you can say for it. At least Mondays sometimes morph into a day off. The only holiday Tuesday ever had got cancelled. 

Tuesday is the Jan Brady of the days of the week.

It turns out that Tuesday is the most productive day of the week for getting things done at work. According to a recent survey by human resources managers (that’s like insult, you HR manager you!), that's the day when most people are working at their peak and accomplishing the most. 

Like that is going to endear it to anyone. Way to go Tuesday. I mean, let's face it, anything HR likes has to be loathsome.

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