Monday, February 05, 2024

Toxic Laura

We have this employee at work who is known amongst execs & HR to have mental health problems and everyone is really careful when they are dealing with Laura.

I don't have much to do with her, only really once previously when she kicked up a fuss about something, and it was taken over by HR immediately, and while it had very little to do with me, it didn't take much imagination to judge where that interaction could well have led.


Today she emailed me out of the blue about an issue that again doesn't really have much to do with me and I didn't know why she was having the problem she was having, so I just reiterated, I guess, what could have been stating the obvious by some, but it was true none the less.

The return email from Laura told me in no uncertain terms what she felt about my help and demanded that I find the person who could help her. 

It gave me shivers. What a rude cow.

Where does mental health end and plain old toxicity begin?

I mean, I don't know. I'm glad I'm not known as the mental health person.

I switched my internal dialogue to Hallmark Greeting Card and sent her an apologetic reply email that was so gooey I had trouble pulling my mouse off the send button once I'd pushed it, and it gave me a gentle thrill that I could be so insincere and, actually, get away with it.

And she sent me a return email thanking me.

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