Friday, October 18, 2024

Getting My Arse Into Gear

It hasn’t stopped raining since I got up, it hasn’t stopped raining the whole time. So, so much for the nice weather that we have been having for quite a few weeks.

I’m lying on the couch with both dogs watching bullshit on YouTube. Bruno crawls up behind my back like a back pack, Otto curls up around my feet. 

I have to go to the gym, which I put off from yesterday. Too much time on the couch, it is true. The morning, the day, is ticking away. I feel so unmotivated. Really, nothing. Zero, zip, zilch, nada.

Okay. I’m going. I'm getting up and going. I need to get the gym done this morning. It would be too painful to let it go until the afternoon.

Okay. The rain has stopped. Now I am going. It's 11am. I’m going now. I am getting up and going. I am dragging my arse off this couch... now.

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