Sunday, October 13, 2024

Lovely Weekend

The last two days we have taken the bulldogs down to the Yarra and thrown ball for them on the large expanse of grass that is the off-lead area by the river. Bruno is ball obsessed and Ottos is almost the same. The two of them have charged up and down after the ball and looked so adorable doing it. Just a couple of matching boof-heads barrelling backwards and forwards in the long green grass. And the weather has been so gorgeous these last two days, this last week, or so, it has been an absolute joy to stand out in it, especially with two beautiful dogs to enjoy.

Yesterday, we bought pork rolls on the way home and everyone admire Bruno and Otto at the pork roll shop. 

One handsome guy was especially impressed, he and his two sons and his Asian wife. He told me the dogs he'd owned and he encouraged his sons to pat Bruno and Otto and not be scared. His two boys will probably be gorgeous when they grow up as half anglo and half Asian kids so often are.

Today, I picked up potting mix on the way home at Bunnings. Our Bunnings has an underground car park, and we took the GTI because it needed a run and someone, par for the course, told me to slow down as I drove through the car park because people can't differentiate between the sound a car makes and the speed the car is travelling. The GTI is loud as it has a sports exhaust. And people are just stupid sometimes as the sound of its exhaust echoed in the under ground structure, I don't know, makes them scared?

A few years ago Sam bought 3 Japanese Maples from a friend of ours who is always trying to scrape a living together. We didn't need 3 Japanese maples, but he bought them to help our mate out. And I have been repotting them ever since, which is why I needed the potting mix as one of them needed a bigger pot.

Now we have two large Japanese Maples, the 3rd one was always smaller, in our court yard, now beautifully potted up I might add, which are lovely, but, you know, who needs 2 large Japanese Maples in a court yard, with a 3rd catching up every year.

We might sell them on eBay, eventually. Maybe. I have sold a couple of plants on eBay that have got too big. We'll see.

Now I have been on the couch watching YouTube, with gorgeous summery air blowing in the back door. That taste and smell of summer coming always makes the day feel lighter and easier.

The bulldogs are sprawled out across the lounge room floor completely exhausted from their park activity.

And that's the weekend done.

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