Sunday, April 24, 2005

Big Hello – Apparently

SMS. 9.58. Another fun night, another early morning. I think I must have lost my touch Miss. Who got married? How was the 14 year old? – Tom

SMS. 10.20. Do u remember Angelo, went out with Anthony? (He’s dead so don’t worry) Angelo’s brother Mark – christian

Well, all I can say is you be bighearted about being forgotten and what does she admit – not only dumped me for a joint but then at the realisation, dumped for his mother!!! What would Pope Benedictus say about that I wonder? Lamb of god do ya love me, do ya love, do ya love me O Simon? Then watch me sheep will ya, verilly and forsooth she says. Yer right, righto says Simon son of Simon. Get that cross will ya...?

Nevertheless, how happy to see your old pop-up on the old screen. Not dead yet as I tactfully emailed Tom. And as you sit bleary eyed before yon screen, Greek cum crusts cracking in your eye-corners I say unto you: two months to go...

What shall I get my parents? I still haven't posted me Christmas letter and prezzie and the Video club warning has come round again. What, 1 week already? Goodness me. Someone will have to go trippetty trip up the street in a minute let me tell you. So what shall I get them? A crucifix? A swastika?

Lots of 60s years memorial stuff going on here constantly on tv. I tell you, any aspect of that Shoah/Haulocost is revolting. Truly so. Tired of being fascinated by it.

We had the Danes here – not a sausage. I was less frustrated this time, but I don't like Jürgen at all and Lars was being far too faithful thank you very much. They're gone. We'd had the Swedes before and now we'll have the Gay Italian swimmers. Now you're talking! Uli surprised me after a gardening marathon yesty (6am to 9pm) - there was a mediterraenean type exiting as I entered. Who are you I asked. I'm Alex (heart-failure?). Alex I asked Uli – Oh, our new (Bulgarian) cleaner. Lukas from Czech Republic didn't turn up one time too many. So now we have the lovely Alexander from Varna. Where else, I ask you? She's meant to be a big top but she looks like Christos (with whom I understand you have totally NOT been in contact).

Well chook, I'm off to our lovely sunny terrace to lie in the hammock. I may do some marking. I may not.



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