Saturday, May 22, 2010

Shame On You Chanel Seven!

NSW MP David Campbell admitted it had been a difficult 24 hours as he prepared to face the consequences of his secret life on his family and community. The Illawarra MP's fall from grace was sparked by a Seven Network report which showed footage of Mr Campbell, a married father of two adult boys, visiting sex club Ken's at Kensington on Tuesday.

What business of Chanel 7 is this? This is David Campbell's private life and I think Chanel 7 had committed a gross breach of privacy in reporting this story. This is not in the communities best interests. The only interests that this serves to promote are Chanel 7 ratings.

Shame on you Chanel Seven for wracking a man's life for your own interests!


Victor said...

I've been wondering who tipped them off and why?

FletcherBeaver said...

Who knows, some little bitch, probably.

Gabriel said...

i can have lengthy debates about this - whether its down to ratings or in the public's interest. its a sad week for gays on the news front and this man deserved it least. i just feel sorry for him. does he deserve it - no. did channel 7 have the right to pursue this - absolutely, but ultimately its how the public and politicians respond that determines the echoes of society.

FletcherBeaver said...

Why did channel 7 have the absolute right to pursue this? What is the public interest here? He was the minister for transport, how does visiting Kens relate to his govt role? Surely, this was his private life and his private business?

Gabriel said...

maybe because i'm in PR, my views of what media consider news are slightly altered. its investigative journalism and the premise is would he have been negligent or biased in his decisions having a dual life. and if that hidden agenda had potentially misled the public's perception of what he 'truly' positioned himself to be. dicy. you'd probably kick me in the balls for saying this. but if you are a public figure, there is no such thing as a private life which isn't anyone's business.

FletcherBeaver said...

Yeah, I would kick you in the balls for saying that.
Maybe if he had a dual life as a spy, or was getting kick backs from transport companies, but he was just getting his cock sucked.

Gabriel said...

but what we don't know is if he has used his position in power to broker or make decisions that were counter to the public's interest. that we will probably never know. but i still stand by my view that being in a position of power opens you to scrutiny and there are expectations - whether they are right or wrong - he needs to fulfill.

FletcherBeaver said...

If channel 7 had some proof that he has used his position in power to broker or make decisions that were counter to the public's interest, then they should produce it. Then I would have to agree with you, that would be investigative journalism. I didn't see any produced.
What I saw were salacious details being made public for TV ratings.

Gabriel said...

but no one knows if he had. probably only david. and we don't know if he may be guilty of any shady dealings or not. so whether its a puff witch hunt piece for now but i still feel channel 7 had the right to make this. he was in the public eye and like anyone else in the public eye, whether you are a starlet or politician, your life is open for viewing and judging. hope you are feeling better.