Australia Day, hey? Blue skies, open faces, long white beaches, big urban cities, wide open spaces, magnificent deserts more beautiful than can really be imagined. The beating, red heart of all of us.
The rest of the world says friendly people, oh so often.
What’s it good for, other than a day off from the salt mines for me? Not sure?
Mateship and oi, oi oi?
Shouldn't every day be Australia Day? Don't we all have it in us, that feeling of belonging, that knowing that we are the luckiest country in the world?
Because, all that misguided patriotism that tends to lead to anyone not being “the same” being viewed as an outcast. Oh yes, the honours, the Australia Day honours, I guess, I should go and read if I have won one. Ha, ha. Lot’s of do-gooders licking arse, that’s how I see it.
The jets are now flying overhead, I guess, that must mean something? Yes, global warming, you idiots, that’s what I think. How much burnt fuel is being let loose into the atmosphere?
Let's do something useful and change the flag.
Happy Australia Day.
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