Thursday, September 04, 2014

Plan? My Arse!

Melina, at work, was espousing her worldview. As she is want to do. Very definite in her ideas, is Melina. She has one of those nasally accents, to go with it. She's loud. Opinionated, nasally and loud, that is what we are talking about.

“Everything happens for a reason and there is a reason for everything," she said. "Don't you agree, Christian?"

“No, sorry, I don’t agree. Not at all! Life is a collection of random events,” I said. “Of course, you can influence your life with your choices, good choices and bad choices, but essentially there is no meaning, no plan to any of it.”

She was aghast at my thoughts. She was in disbelief, seemingly, that I could think in such away. Wide eyes, big expression, pausing completely still in disbelief, gazing back at me. I concluded by saying that I was simply telling her what I thought, I wasn’t telling her that she should think the same thing.

Then later in the day she, gently, mocked me for my beliefs. “Of course, Christian, doesn’t believe there is a reason for anything,” she seemed to work into most of the conversations for the rest of the day. I could have felt belittled for my thoughts, if hadn't thought is so very boring by late in the day.

This morning, Cat, the other girl in the office, was banging on about how she is feeling since she broke up with her boyfriend, two months ago. She dumped him, he wasn't quite Mr Perfect enough. Will she ever feel better? Will she get over it? Will she be left on the shelf.” (At 22 roll of the eyes)

Melina said to her, to comfort her, “Just feel confidant that it will all work out in the end. That there is a reason for all of what you are going through now.”

I nearly asked 
Melina what she thought of the story that I read in the paper today. I opened and closed my mouth, but I didn’t in the end. I didn’t really want to make such a big deal of it. I didn’t want to look as though I was trying to convince her of anything, so I kept my mouth shut. Live and let live. You only have to state your position, Christian, you don't want to hit her over the head with it. But, I so wanted to ask her what she thought of the following.

There was a young guy in America, Kevin, who rode his bike down the east coast, from Maryland to Florida, to ask his girl friend, who he loved and who loved him, to marry him. Ring in his pocket, how romantic. He was two hours from his destination when he stopped in a town, Verno Beach, to get Maccas and have a break. He was on his phone to his girlfriend when a homeless man stabbed him to death, because he thought that Kevin was using his phone organising people to attack him.

Okay Melina, what was the plan here for this young guy’s life?

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