Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Suddenly, He Is Babbling Like A Halfwit

I like watching car YouTube channels, particularly where they revive old cars. It is one of my favourite things to do. Kissing Sam, walking my bulldogs, adding movies to my movie collection, and watching car YouTubers, are all favourite things to do.

Oh yes, writing, did I say writing? That's a favourite thing to do too. 😬 Oops.

One of my favourite car YouTubers, has a habit of crossing over into what I think of as an alternative reality with Jesus speak. He'd be talking about hemi engines and quad jet carburettors and then he'd suddenly be babbling on about letting Jesus into our lives like he has just blown a resister in his head. It never fails to shock me, it is so ‘other worldly’ to me that intelligent people can yap on with such nonsense. It always feels like he has slipped over into parody and any moment he will get to the punch line after which he will resume his usual transmission.

How can smart, obviously go-getter types (who have the wherewithal to have a successful YouTube channel) become raving idiots from one second to another, I ask you?

Yes, of course, people are entitled to hold whatever beliefs they want and I wouldn't say anything at all about it, if he didn't inflict those beliefs on me. If he really wants to talk Jesus bullshit have a Jesus bullshit YouTube Chanel, I would never seek it out, nor would I pass judgement on him for doing so. But when you lose the plot in the middle of your car YouTube Chanel which I am watching, then I feel like I am perfectly entitled to comment. And that would be ixnay with the Ge-sus say. Actually, it isn't even that, it is more along the lines that it makes me think less of you when you do, and since you bought it up, I feel perfectly entitled to give my opinion about it.

It just strikes me as weird, that's all. That a 2000 year old illiterate carpenter, who may, or may not, have actually existed, is your mentor and role model for living in the 21st century.

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