Wednesday, February 24, 2021

The Unrelenting Conservative Idealogy

Conservative politics has a lot to do with the world going nuts, I reckon. Conservative politicians, take a look at them. Trump, Johnson, Bolsonaro, Morrison. They all refused to wear masks, and they all caught covid. (Johnson thought he was Jesus, the mythical religious figure, and shook hands with all the lepers) So, a bright bunch, hey? Oh, not Morrison, he escaped to Hawaii to avoid the whole thing. Or, did he hand out sports grants to buy favour with the gods? Oh no, that was to buy votes, he claps his hands and sings to the gods and then babbles incoherently which he calls tongues. (He had to ask his wife what rape meant though, so as about as bright as the rest of them.)

And the general public keeps voting for these dopes, for policies that, so often, are actually working against the ordinary member of the general public. Go figure? Tax cuts are dangled like lottery tickets and the great unwashed vote accordingly. Shake of the head. You can fool all of the people some of the time, isn’t that how it goes?

Market forces, market forces, market forces, they cry! It will trickle down. (bullshit!) Let the market forces do, or die. Oh, unless we are talking about coal, freedom of speech, or religious freedom, unions, protests, power companies, the list goes on.

And what is the Morrison Government’s answer to the covid downturn, bring forward tax cuts, primarily for the rich, which they planned long before covid came along. And to give companies more powers to cuts to real wages. So, this smart bunch are dishing up more of the same. Let’s get back to ideology. Oh lets.

And after that, they will no doubt get back to being anti welfare, (the employment minister is the only transsexual in the Morrison Govt) devoid of climate change policies (we don’t care about fifty years into the future, says the governments troglodyte partners, er, the National Party), against universal medicine (most of the Morrison conservative govt think prayer is the answer, so no surprise there), against free education (they doubled the cost of an Arts Degree because it is of little use to their political donors), anti pensions (Well, you would be, wouldn’t you, when you have a politicians superannuation fund), big on privatisation (back to political donors), big on business (back to political donors), big on governing for their political donors (Did I say anything about political donors?).

And maybe they’ll even have another go at sending Voldermort in to silence the journalists. (Or they could just blabber fake news, fake news, fake news, that seemed to work for the obese orange one)

The conservative politicians around the world are not making the world a better place and yet paradoxically people keep voting for them. Their policies are doing the opposite, leading to greater inequity all around the world. More wealth for the rich, less rich for the poor, and I am pretty sure this is the case because conservative politicians tend to be so arrogant that can only see themselves as the rich. So, they are really governing for themselves, fuck everyone else.

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